The college seeks to achieve the following goals:
- Preparing qualified computer and information specialists with theoretical foundations and application methodologies to qualify them
To compete globally in developing computer and information technology and its applications
- Conducting scientific and applied studies and research in the field of computers and information, especially those that have a direct impact
On integrated development and the establishment of specialized research units in the various branches of computers and information
- Providing scientific and technical consultations and assistance to bodies and entities that use computer and information technology
It is concerned with making and making decisions.
- Training technical cadres in various state sectors on computer and information technology.
- Spreading and deepening awareness in society with the aim of using computer and information technology in various sectors and institutions of the state; And increase the efficiency of its use.
- Organizing conferences and holding scientific meetings with the aim of raising the educational level and deepening the scientific concept among specialized cadres.
- Concluding scientific agreements with corresponding bodies and institutions at the local, regional and global levels with the aim of exchanging opinions and conducting research related to computer and information specializations.
- Providing and supporting means of publishing and scientific research in various fields of specialization.